Sunday, April 7, 2013

Thesis Update: This is WAY harder than I thought.

So, I'm still working on my thesis and it still makes me want to die a little on the inside.

I know I've worked on papers this long or longer before, but man this takes a lot out of you. I'm one of those people who likes to accomplish a task in one sitting, or at least a segment of it, and senior thesis is not a place to do that.

Part of the reason I'm so stressed out about my thesis is I feel like I don't have enough time to work on it and get involved. I've been setting my alarm every day to make sure I spend at least 1 hour on it a day, but once I piece together all of those pieces, I feel like I'm just stringing thoughts together, with no rhyme or reason.

That's what frustrates me the most... there is absolutely no way I could sit down and write this paper in a day and come back to it the next day and edit and move on.

This thesis is like a wedding cake. You can't just throw it together and carve down, you have to build it up.

First, you create a strong and steady base - your literature review. Then, add a few more cakes on top of it to make it hearty and proud - like your methodology, observations and findings.

Then, lay down some icing- an intro, conclusion and transitional paragraphs, pipe the edges with your format and finally at your cake topper- the abstract- at the very end.

Lord help you if you think you can just toss this together!

As much as I want to do this project all at once... there is no way I, or anyone, could. That's why it's a semester-long class - you need ample time to complete it.

This last semester has been a total work out of large, continuous projects, which I think I'm no good at. So you can imagine my frustration! And with the due date quickly approaching, it's time to make sense of all my segmented pieces.

Wish me luck! Are you better at longer, drawn out projects or quick and efficient tasks? Share with me in the comments below!

Stay true to yourself,

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