Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's important to be proud of yourself. Your accomplishments are things to be proud of - you worked hard for those! You earned the right to be proud.

Being proud isn't always bragging, and it's not always as obvious as a pack of lions strutting about.

I've come to realize that I am a very proud person, and I'm not sure I like it. Sometimes, my pride can turn from achievement into elitism.

I've been the editor for my campus's online student newspaper for about a year now. I was chosen for the position, which made me proud that my hard work paid off.

However, we had to rebuild the site. I have taken plenty of web building classes, but I was rusty. I built up the bare bones and kind of just left them.

Having a site that was okay but not amazing was something I was not proud of. I think it showed too, and I think that's why I had difficulty getting other students to write quality work.

When you think of something as a permanent work in progress, you'll never accomplish your final goal. And no one likes to look incompetent by asking for help.

But the truth is, I was a little rusty. I can manage a site no problem, but it's been a while since I really dove in a worked on it.

After I had heard a local newspaper had checked our website and thought it was mediocre, I was upset. I had tried to get an internship at that newspaper.... did my lack of work and being too proud to ask for help ruin my chances for that internship?

So I finally gave up the goat. I needed help on this site. I emailed the school's web coordinator and my advisor. I refuse to graduate and leave the site "just okay."

So what's the moral of this story? It's okay to be proud, but there is always room to learn.

Have you ever had to come to terms with being too proud? Share with me in the comments below.

Stay true to yourself,

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