Monday, February 25, 2013

Small towns and shoes: An internship update

As you may remember from earlier last week, I had an interview/meeting with another internship!

I was definitely nervous at first- I got off to a rocky start. But after meeting and talking, the position turned out to be just what I was looking for!

Originally, I was worried that doing an internship linked to another place I had already worked would have made me look like I couldn't find another place to intern. It made me nervous- would I look like too small town with this on my resume?

I asked my mom - guru of all things business - and she told me that actually  the opposite is true. It shows that you were wanted back, which is definitely a good thing.

And if you wanted to get technical... I'm interning for a show instead of the company. So that distinction can help if anyone attempts to peg me with small town syndrome.

I also thought that it would just be radio-centered, like the last internship I had been offered. But after meeting the host, it turns out I'll be doing a lot more than just radio work!

Not only do I get to work on a radio show, I also get to work on the website and social media. I might even be able to do some writing!

Needless to say, it's almost like this internship was made for me. I get to do all the things I wanted to do, it's local and it starts immediately!

There's a lesson to be learned here, as always. The shoe could be a perfect fit, but how will you know until you try it on?

Have you ever experienced something that turned out to be exactly what you were looking for? Share with me in the comments below!

Stay true to yourself,

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