Monday, December 9, 2013

40 degrees with a chance of laziness

As it gets colder outside, I have a harder time getting out of bed. I have a harder time putting on proffessional clothes (though technically I could wear a sweater, jeans and boat sheos to work everyday) and a harder time staying focused.

What gives? Is it the cold? Is it my longing for the college life when the cold meant finals, and finals meant Christmas break, where I could go home and cry about how hard my life was? Yes, I've definitely done that. I didn't really know how easy I had it then!

But I also have it pretty easy now. The most stress I've experienced lately is balancing time with my cat, who no longer is allowed to sleep with me because he can't leave the Christmas tree alone. And my car is acting a little funky -but with a commute in walking distance I don't have much to complain about.

Such an adult! My own tree!

Yes, the post-grad life is both easier and harder than college. No Christmas or spring break - wah! But I traded a week off to travel back home in exchange for all the Saturday's in December and the early shift on Christmas morning (yawn!) which, I think, was a great bargain.

How do you stay motivated when "the end" is nowhere in sight? Share with me in the comments below!

Stay true to yourself,

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