One of my high school classmates died last year following a car accident. She was leaving her house in Peachtree City hen she forgot something and stopped her car. However, she didn't put the car in park. In a strange twist of fate, she opened the door and tried to put her car in park and hit the brakes as it slowly rolled down a hill. But instead, the car crushed her. She went into cardiac arrest, and later, a coma. A week or so later, she passed away.
When I saw Julia's story on my Facebook, and later, in my own newsroom, I fully expected her to make a full recovery. I though, "Wow, what a crazy story this will be when she pulls through." I never expected this to be the end for her.
Julia Tarter and I met in high school. She was hilarious and kind and laughed a lot.
We look like babies... Stevie, Brooke, Julia and myself in 2009.
We lost touch after my graduation, mostly because I left high school behind like a bat out of hell. Julia eventually graduated two years after me. Then, God gave me an opportunity I didn't take: Julia pledged Phi Mu at another school.
In hindsight, this was my opportunity to rekindle a friendship I wished had been stronger. This was a very direct sign that was leading me to the right people. I regret every day that I did not take that guidance.
Julia was kind, generous and God-loving. She led by example and was a true Christian: not one who judged or urged you to repent. She showed you love and compassion and prayed for you. When I think of a true Christian, Julia is one of the people who pops into my mind.
Julia did a lot of things on Earth that I wasn't involved in, so I can't really compare those experiences. But if God calls you to Heaven when your job on Earth is done, it's no wonder Julia left us at 20.
So while we weren't very close, Julia's soul touched me like few others could. I will remember her compassion and joy and try to put a little Julia into my every day. Maybe one day we will meet again.
Happy 21st birthday Julia. You are deeply missed and eternally loved, but you knew that already.
From Julia's Facebook page
Stay true to yourself,