The perfect thank you note is a lost art. It sounds so simple, but sometimes it can stump you!
First, it helps to keep a log of who gave what. I make a list with names followed by gifts and then I never forget what someone gave me!
Baby Alyson recommends making a list anyway you know how....
I like to begin by addressing the person or family. Try to include all the names, right down to the dogs (if they're the type of people who sign their pets names to cards.)
Then, I immediately thank them for the item. Add a personal touch - is it your favorite color? Just what you asked for? Handmade with love and intricate detail?
I always like to finish the "thank you" paragraph with a how thoughtful it was. It really is- if they went out of their way to ask your mother what you wanted for your birthday or put some effort into finding something they thought you'd like, you were on their mind for at least 3 days. If that's not thoughtful, what is!?
When it comes to checks or money, I first thank the person for the card. We all know what it's like to stand in the aisle reading and trying to find the right one. It takes a surprising amount of effort. Plus, if you have family like mind, they manage to find cards that are just perfect - with glitter, pink and beautifully lined envelopes.
Then I thank them for the check or cash and mention what I want to do with the money- savings, towards a new dress, or unsure. If you're unsure, just say "I'm not sure what I'll spend the $25 on just yet but I certainly appreciate having it." Although usually I end up with the new dress answer - I just love a new dress!
Then, I finish off with a sentiment about the event the gift was for:"I enjoyed seeing you over graduation!" "We missed you at graduation but I'm sure we'll see each other soon." "Hopefully we'll see each other during the holidays" or "It's been ages since we saw you! Lets plan for a visit soon." If they like you enough to give you a gift, they want to see you.
Another possibility, especially if the giver has a child your age, is to comment on their activities. "I hope Kelly has a great time in Turkey, we'll be praying/thinking good thoughts for her!" It's nice to take the focus off yourself for half a second.
Finally, I thank them again and a "lots of love!" and sign my name.
It seems odd to create a formula for a thank you card, but once you get rolling it starts coming naturally. As I've gotten older, I've really begun to value thank you notes and regret not sending some over the years.
I also recommend writing, addressing, stamping and mails your notes the day after you receive a gift. If you're forgetful like me, otherwise you'll find stacks of notes in your room while cleaning (literally stacks- I didn't have postage so they just sat there! How embarrassing!)
Do you have a perfect thank you note? Share with me in the comments below!
Stay true to yourself,
Stay true to yourself,